Hello, You! you can call me grapeium or Adrian! I am a 14 year old artist that just wants to post my art and make friends! 🫀

-not respecting of boundaries
-sexualization of mentally/Physical disorders
-(basically anything problematic)


Discord: grapeiumm


I'm currently working on something! I've wanted to make my own silly creaton for a while and I think this might be it! Well, maybe. I've only planned out the rough draft for what I'm making and I probably won't even start to work on the propper layout and story of what I'm making until probably August if everything in my life goes somewhat okay. I've recycled and dropped other projects before so this isn't really guaranteed. But stick around and maybe I'll be able to atleast make the first part of it! Maybe. (And of course while I wait for August to come I'm going to practice drawing horror, and yes it is horror 💀)

Sketch sneak peak!:

That's all! I hope you enjoyed reading all of that, Bye for now! HUGS NOT DRUGS! 🧍